Maj. Dominique van Dongen - Commanding Officer M.C.B. Quantico

My name is Major Dominique "Albatross" van Dongen, Commanding Officer of the Marine Corps Base Quantico. In my beginning years of my career in this virtual world, I was once myself a typical new person in game. I had no clue what I should do in here and was more looking in social contacts.

After a few months I came in contact with a State Trooper, his name was Captain Robert C. Schridde. He was always strawling around in Waterhead, just standing their in his State Trooper uniform. He told me what he did and how I could help him in the Law Enforcement. One year later I was his excutive officer with the rank of lieutenant.  Unfortunately a group of people called themselves S.L.P.D. and tossed salt in the world of Law Enforcement. This group was mainly obstructing and ignoring the Terms of Services. So Linden Labs were setting up regulations that law enforcement groups, like the State Troopers were not acceptable. So that made us close down.

In September 2008, I met an Austrian police officer in a sim called Vienna. It was a German speaking sim. They were looking for new police officers and I joined them. Eventually this Austrian police officer taking over the control of the sims. In 2010, I was appointed as the kommandant landespolizei and stayed at his side as long the region existed. In the beginning of 2016 he wanted to close down the region. But, it lasted another year untill it was officially closed down. In this time of period I was also a member of the 4th Marine Corps of General Papa T and Colonel Lonewolfz Cyberstar. They had no problem that I was in two groups, aslong I showed activity and did my duty as a Marine.

Like every other Marine at the 4th Marines, I went through bootcamp and worked my way up. My first Military Occupational Specialty was the Military Police. Due my law enforcement experience, Colonel Cyberstar, has assigned me as the First Sergeant of the Military Police. Time was ticking away. Unfortunately the Colonel had to leave due his reallife situation. On that day General Papa T had difficulty in finding a new Commanding Officers for the base of Montford. First Major E. Mathisan was appointed as the new Commanding Officer. After a while Major Epya Mathisan was promoted to Colonel and could stream in a HQMC position. So eventually I recieved the position of Commanding Officer of the Marine Corps Base Montford. 

On friday 29th of December 2017, I have applied for a job in the 3th Naval Fleet of Naval Air Station Miramar. During an informal interview with Captain Kron, she came to know that I was a Marine. She was looking for new Marines, to open up a Marines unit within the 3th Naval Fleet. I could transfer in with the rank of Major after the commanding Trident (Captains Kron and Von Kühn and Commander Rainbow) approved. I was surprised but also honoured at the same time. From that day I have been wearing this uniform yet again with proud and to the flag of the 3th Naval Fleet.

My wish is to become a valued officer in this team and to you. I hope to set an example to all Marines and service members. To learn from you, to become a better person, but I hope you will also learn from me. I care deeply about each and everyone of you, no matter your rank. I can be somewhat direct and sometimes sounding unfriendly. I am your commanding officer and a Marine, I can not always be your friend. Please if you have questions, problems or just want to talk, please do not hesitate to ask. 


Major Dominique van Dongen
Commanding Officer M.C.B. Quantico
United States Marine Corps
United States Navy Third Fleet

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