Capt. W. Sandstrand - Excutive Officer M.C.B. Quantico

Hello everyone!

Let me introduce myself, I am the Executive Officer of Marine Corps Base Quantico, Captain Waldemar Sandstrand. Where shall I begin? I started my first SL avatar in 2008. Much of the early days was spent helping at the Swedish embassy in Second Life, which later closed for too few people went to visit. Then I made contact with the Second Life Coast Guard where I learned how to use airplanes and helicopters, which gave me a great start and later made it possible to meet good friends.

With them I started to discover new interests, for example WWII (Flying Tigers, China´s Navy, Army, Air Force and more).  Also building, flying and the chance to become co-owner of Aslan Airport. And that has followed me from day one until what I am today. But I have gathered experience over the years with patrolling, firefighting, law enforcement, bar tending and many more other things.

From March 24, 2016, I have also served with the United States Marine Corps in Second Life, first in the 4th Marine Corps where I reached the rank of Captain, and later transferred to the United States Navy Third Fleet in Second Life, maintaining the rank of captain with the fleet's USMC unit, under Major Dominique van Dongen.

If you feel you want to know more about me please do not hesitate to ask. I only bite if you are a recruit during boot camp.


Captain Waldemar Sandstrand
Executive Officer Marine Corps Base Quantico
United States Marine Corps
United States Navy Third Fleet

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